It can definitely save you some money. It also gives you a car when you are there, which, depending on where you stay, can be a good thing. Sometimes, you don't even need a car, other times, it is golden and will save you lots of time and grief and even money (eat outside the world? Cheaper! Maybe not as fun, but cheaper!).
When you weigh driving vs. flying, please consider the costs.
Flying costs:
The cost of flying your entire family (see posts below for ways to cut those costs).
If staying on site-Magical Express = free
If staying on site or off site and want a rental car. Rental car plus all taxes and fees.
If staying off site and not an annual pass holder = $15 a day parking at parks
Transportation from airport to your hotel if staying offsite and not renting a car.
Driving costs:
Gas to get there and back.
Staying off site? Cost to park at hotel (sometimes nothing, sometimes a lot).
If staying off site, and not an annual pass holder = $15 a day to park at the parks.
On site guest park at parks for free.
Time spent driving (see next paragraph).
This one is a BIG consideration, the cost of TIME. Besides a lucky few, everyone has a certain amount of time allotted for vacation. Flying generally takes half a day, with security, checking bags, duration of flight, give or take. If you don't have to drive far, swell, but the longer the driving distance, the greater the difference between flying and driving, time wise.
Consider the physical cost of driving if it is a long drive too. You have to focus for that driving time vs. letting someone else do the driving. Drive for a long time, and share the duties help, but when you arrive at your destination, you will need some rest and sleep to recover. More time away from the main focus of your vacation.
This sounds like I am saying FLY! No matter what. I am not.
What I am advocating is, if you drive, take it easy. If you can take a break and make that into a mini vacation perk, do it. Stop and play. Stop and sleep. Stop. The good old USA has so much to offer, explore a bit. It will make for a safer drive. You will just feel better and more awake, when you get there. It will make a much more fun first day at WDW.
Benefit of driving? You can bring whatever you want with you. You are not bound by the confines of checked luggage. Much more fits into your vehicle then into bags.
Check out the cost of flying (early! costs are much more palatable) vs the cost of driving (time).
I do not have the answer for you, only you do. What I do want you to think about is that is not just the difference of cost of tickets vs. cost of gas.
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